





百福得/东方福利网作为企业弹性福利平台,专业向企业提供一站式跨品类弹性福利解决方案,助力企业优化员工福利品质,扩大员工福利选择自由度,提升员工对企业满意度。本隐私权政策适用于 百福得/东方福利网 及关联公司 提供的所有产品和服务,旨在向您说明我们在您使用我们的产品与 / 或服务时如何收集、使用、保存、共享和转让这些信息,以及我们为您提供的访问、更新、删除和保护这些信息的方式。

As a flexible benefits platform for enterprises, Dongfangfuli.com provides one-stop, multiple-category flexible benefits solutions to enterprises, supporting enterprises in employee benefits optimization, providing  employees with more selections of benefits so as to improve employees’ satisfaction with employers. The Privacy Policy, applicable to all products and services provided by Dongfangfuli.com and its affiliated companies , is intended to show you how we collect, use, save, share and transfer such information when you use our products and/or services, and how we allow you to access, update, delete and protect such information.


The Privacy Policy will familiarize you with the following:


I. How We Collect and Use Your Personal Information

二、我们如何使用 Cookies 和同类技术

II. How We Use Cookies and Similar Technologies


III. How We Share, Transfer and Disclose Your Personal Information to the Public


IV. How We Protect and Save Your Personal information


V. How We Manage Your Personal Information


VI. Amendment and Notification


VII. How to Contact Us

在使用百福得/东方福利网各项产品或服务前,请您务必仔细阅读,重点阅读以粗体或粗体下划线标识的条款,在确认充分理解并同意后再开始使用。 如对本政策内容有任何疑问、意见或建议,您可通过本政策联系我们 章节所列的反馈渠道与我们联系。

Before using products or services of Dongfangfuli.com, please read through, pay special attention to the terms in bold or in bold with underline, and confirm that you fully understand and agree before use.  For any questions, comments or suggestions on the content of the Policy, you may contact us through the feedback channels listed in the “Contact Us” section of the Policy.




百福得/东方福利网: 指百福得/东方福利网网站及移动客户端(含 PC WEB 、小程序、百福得/东方福利网搭建的百福得平台及其他客户端)。

Dongfangfuli.com:  Refers to the website and mobile clients of Dongfangfuli.com (including PC, WEB, WeChat applet, Dbenefit platform built by Dongfangfuli.com and other clients).

服务提供者: 指百福得/东方福利网的互联网信息及软件技术服务提供者上海东福网络科技有限公司及关联公司。

Service Provider:  Refers to Shanghai DF Technology Co., Ltd., the internet information and software technology service provider of Dongfangfuli.com, and its affiliated companies.

关联公司: 指上海东福网络科技有限公司附属或关联的子公司、控股公司、实际控制公司。

Affiliated Companies:  Refers to the subsidiary, shareholding company and actual controlling company attached or affiliated toShanghai DF Technology Co., Ltd.

个人信息: 指以电子或者其他方式记录的能够单独或者与其他信息结合识别特定自然人身份或者反映特定自然人活动情况的各种信息。

Personal information:  Refers to information that is recorded electronically or in other ways which can identify the identity of a specific natural person or reflect a natural person’s activities independently or in combination with other information.

个人敏感信息: 指一旦泄露、非法提供或滥用可能危害人身和财产安全,极易导致个人名誉、身心健康受到损害或歧视性待遇等的个人信息。

Sensitive personal information:  Refers to information that endangers the safety of person and property once it is divulged, illegally provided or misused, and is highly likely to cause damage to personal reputation, physical and mental health or discriminatory treatment, etc.

设备信息: 我们会根据您在软件安装及/或使用中的具体操作,接收并记录您所使用的设备相关信息,包括设备型号、设备类型、操作系统版本、设备设置、 唯一设备标识符(如:imei/oaid/idfa/mac/SIM卡信息/iccid信息/imsi信息/Android ID/SSID/BSSID/HarmonyOS如OAID、AAID、ODID)、设备环境、设备所在位置相关信息( 包括您授权的GPS位置以及WLAN接入点、蓝牙和基站传感器信息、IP地址、WIFI信息)以及应用信息(应用崩溃信息、通知开关状态、APP应用安装列表、APP应用页面信息、APP功能事件相关信息)。以产品实际采集情况为准。

Device information: We will receive and record the device-related information based on your specific operations during software installation and/or use, including device model,operatingsystem version, device settings, and unique device identifiers (such as imei/ oaid/idfa/mac/SIM cardinformation/iccid information/imsi information/AndroidID/SSID/BSSID), device environment, device location relatedinformation (including your authorized GPS location and WLAN access point, Bluetooth and base station sensorinformation,IP address, WIFI information),and application information (application crash information, notification switch status, APP application installation list, APP application page information, APP function event related information).The actual collection of the product shall prevail.

我们将在本隐私权政策中对具体个人敏感信息以 粗体 进行显著标识。

In the Privacy Policy, we will clearly mark specific sensitive personal information in bold.

所属企业: 是指为您采购福利的企业。

Your Company: Refers to the enterprise purchasing benefits for you.



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I. Collection and Use of Personal Information

在您使用我们的产品与 / 或服务时,我们需要或可能需要收集和使用的您的个人信息包括如下两种:

When you use our products and/or services, we need or may need to collect and use two kinds of your personal information as follows:

1 为实现向您提供我们产品与 / 或服务的基本功能,您须授权我们收集、使用的必要信息。如您拒绝提供相应信息,您将无法正常使用我们的产品与 / 或服务;

1. In order to provide you with the basic functions of our products and/or services, you have to authorize us to collect and use the essential information. If you refuse to provide corresponding information, you will not be able to use our products and/or services normally;

2 为实现向您提供我们产品与 / 或服务的附加功能,您可选择授权我们收集、使用的信息。如您拒绝提供,您将无法正常使用相关附加功能或无法达到我们拟达到的功能效果,但并不会影响您正常使用我们产品与 / 或服务的基本功能。

2. Optional information you choose to authorize us to collect and use so that we can provide you with additional functions of our products and/or services. If you refuse to provide such information, you will not be able to use the relevant additional functions or achieve the function or effect we intend to achieve, but it will not affect your normal use of the basic functions of our products and/or services.


You understand and agree that:

1 因我们向您提供的产品和服务种类众多,且不同用户选择使用的具体产品或服务范围存在差异,相应地,基本或附加功能及收集使用的个人信息类型、范围等会有所区别,请以具体的产品或服务功能为准;

1. Because we provide you with the wide variety of products and services, different users will choose to use different specific products or service ranges, Accordingly, the basic or the additional functions, as well as the type and scope of personal information collected and used will be different, please refer to the specific product or service function.

2 我们可能会不时推出新的或优化后的功能,可能需要收集、使用新的个人信息或变更个人信息使用目的或方式。对此,我们将通过更新本政策、弹窗、页面提示等方式另行向您说明对应信息的收集目的、范围及使用方式,并为您提供自主选择同意的方式,且在征得您明示同意后收集、使用。 在此过程中,如果您有任何疑问、意见或建议,您可通过本政策联系我们 章节提供的联系方式与我们联系,我们会尽快为您作出解答。

2.  We may launch new or optimized functions from time to time, which may require collecting or using new personal information or changing the purpose or method of using personal information. For that reason, we will explain to you the purpose, scope and use of the corresponding collected information individually by updating the Policy, pop-up windows, prompt pages, etc., provide you with the self-selection for consent, and collect and use the information after obtaining your express consent.  During the process, if you have any questions, comments or suggestions, you may contact us through the contact information provided in the “Contact Us” section of the Policy, and we will answer you as soon as possible.


We will collect and use your personal information to realize the following functions stated in the Policy:

(一)帮助您 成为我们的会员

( i ) Join Us as A Member

1 、基础会员服务

1. Basic Membership Services

我们通过百福得/东方福利网账户为您提供基础会员服务。为注册成为会员并使用我们的会员服务,您需要提供 手机号码或邮箱号、密码 用于创建百福得/东方福利网账户。如果您仅需使用浏览、搜索服务,您不需要注册成为我们的会员及提供上述信息。 为创建平台账户, 您理解并同意 如所属企业采购百福得平台 我们 根据所属企业的要求 向您的企业收集您的姓名 手机号或邮箱号 如涉及体检或保险服务 还会提前收集身份证号码

We provide you with basic membership services through the Dongfangfuli.com account. To register as a member and use our membership service, you need to provide your mobile phone number or e-mail address and password  to create a Dongfangfuli.com account. If you only need to browse and search, you don’t have to register as a member and provide the above information. You understand and agree that if your company purchases the Dbenefit platform, we can collect your name, mobile phone number or e-mail address  from your company according to your company's requirements to create a platform account. If it involves medical examination or insurance services, we will collect your identity in advance ID number.

对于需要通过百福得/东方福利网账户才能使用的服务,我们可能会根据您提供的上述信息校验您的会员身份,确保我们是在 为您本人提供服务

For services that are only available to Dongfangfuli.com accounts, we may verify your membership with the above information provided by you to ensure that we are providing services for you personally.

2 、附加会员服务

2. Additional Membership Services

特别 会员权益 :如果您选择提供 性别、 昵称、头像、生日、 邮箱入职时间、国籍 等非注册必须的个人资料,我们可以为您提供会员生日特权、周年特权等会员服务。

Special member benefits: If you choose to provide gender, alias, avatar, birthday date, e-mail, on-board date, nationality  and other personal data that are not mandatory for registration, we can provide you with personalized membership services such as birthday privileges and anniversary privileges.

地域服务:基于百福得/东方福利网产品的地域性,为方便您更便捷的享受到浏览、使用、兑换本地产品等服务,我们会根据您的地理位置为您提供服务。当您同意本协议后, 我们将收集您使用百福得/东方福利网时所处的地理位置,包括设备所在位置相关信息(包括您授权的 GPS 位置以及 WLAN 接入点、蓝牙和基站等传感器信息)以判断您所处位置 ,为您推荐所在区域可以购买的商品或服务或完成下单。需要您了解和知悉的是, 我们仅收集您当时所处的地理位置,但不会将您各时段的位置信息进行结合以判断您的行踪轨迹

Regional service: Considering the regional features of Dongfangfuli.com products, to facilitate you to browse, use and exchange local products, we will provide services for you by your geographical location. After you agree to the terms, we will collect your geographical location when you access Dongfangfuli.com, including the information about the device location (including your authorized GPS location and sensor information such as WLAN access point, Bluetooth and base station, etc.) to determine your location, and recommend the goods or services available in your area or complete the ordering. What you need to know and understand is that we only collect your geographical location, but will not combine your location information in each period to find out your whereabouts .

授权登录:我们可能会根据您的授权从第三方处获取您的第三方账户信息,并与您的百福得/东方福利网账户进行绑定,使您可通过第三方账户直接登录、使用我们的产品与 / 或服务。我们将在您授权同意的范围内使用您的相关信息。

Authorized login: We may obtain your third-party account information from a third party against your authorization, and bind it with your Dongfangfuli.com account, so that to allow you to log in and use our products and/or services directly through the third-party account. We will use your relevant information within the scope of your authorization.

短信服务:我们会根据公司及您所属企业的要求,向您提供 生日祝福 、订单跟踪等,为确保服务能正常提供,您授权同意我们从您的所属公司处收集 您的姓名和手机号 生日日期。

SMS service: We will provide you with birthday greetings and order tracking according to the requirements of the company and your company. In order to ensure normal service provision , you authorize us to collect your name, mobile phone number or birthday date  from your company.

3 、账户信息展示

3. Account Information Display


If you already  have a Dongfangfuli.com account, we may display your above personal information in Dongfangfuli.com service, including centralized display of your personal data and orders through Dongfangfuli.com account.


(ii) Complete the Ordering and Order Management

当您在百福得/东方福利网订购具体商品与 / 或服务时,我们会通过系统为您生成购买该商品或服务的订单。在下单过程中 , 您至少需提供您的 收货人姓名、收货地址、收货人联系电话、也可能需要提供身份证号码信息、照片 ;同时该订单中会载明您所购买的商品与 / 或服务信息、具体订单号、订单创建时间、您应支付的金额。我们收集这些信息是为了帮助您顺利完成交易、保障您的交易安全、查询订单信息、提供客服与售后服务及其他我们明确告知的目的。

When you order specific goods and/or services on Dongfangfuli.com, we will generate a purchase order of the goods or services for you through the system. In order placing, you need to provide at least  the receiver’s name, address, telephone number, and possibly your ID number and your photo . Also, the order will contain the information of the goods and/or service you purchased, the specific order number, the time of order creation, and the amount to be paid by you. We collect these information to help you complete the transaction smoothly, ensure the security of your transaction, query the order information, provide customer service and after-sales service and for other purposes that we clearly inform.

健康生活栏目涉及到您或您为其他人订购商品或服务,请您下单时仔细阅读相关体检 或齿科服务 授权协议,下单即代表您同意该协议的内容,我们将根据该协议的内容收集和使用您的相关信息。

The item of Healthy Life involves your ordering of goods or services for yourself or others. Please read the relevant physical examination or dental services authorization agreement  carefully when you place an order. Placing an order means that you agree to the content of the agreement. We will collect and use your relevant information according to the content of the agreement.


In order to help   you  understand, query and manage the order information, we will collect the order information generated during your use of our services.


(iii) Make the Payment

在您预订和下单后,您可以选择与我们合作的第三方支付机构(包括支付宝支付、微信支付等支付通道,以下称 支付机构 )所提供的支付服务, 我们会将您的百福得/东方福利网账户会员名、对应的支付账户会员名、订单支付相关信息、订单安全相关设备信息及其他反洗钱法律要求的必要信息与支付机构共享。

After you have booked and placed orders, you can choose the third-party payment institutions cooperated with us for payment (including the payment channels such as Alipay, WeChat Pay, etc., hereinafter referred to as “payment institutions”).  We will share with the payment institutions your Dongfangfuli.com account name, your corresponding payment account name, and the payment information of related orders, order security related equipment information and other essential information required by anti-money laundering laws.


In order to allow us to know and confirm your payment progress and status in time, and provide you with after-sales and dispute resolution services, you agree that we can collect information related to the payment progress from the payment institutions.


(iv) Deliver Goods or Services to You

为保证您购买的商品与 / 或服务能够顺利、安全、准确送达,我们会向为百福得/东方福利网提供物流配送服务的第三方配送公司(包括顺丰、 EMS 、圆通、申通、中通、韵达、天天快递、京东快递等)披露 订单相关配送信息 。您知晓并同意相应物流配送主体不可避免地获知及使用您的配送信息,用于完成交付目的。如果您拒绝共享此类信息,我们将无法完成相关交付服务。

In order to ensure the smooth, safe and accurate delivery of goods and/or services you purchased, we will disclose the order related distribution information  to the third-party service providers that provide logistics and distribution services for Dongfangfuli.com (including SF, EMS, YTO, STO, ZTO, YUNDA, TTK, JD Express, etc.). You understand and agree that the corresponding logistics and distribution service providers will inevitably know and use your distribution information for the purpose of delivery. If you refuse to share the above information, we will be unable to deliver relevant services to you.


In order to allow us to know and confirm the delivery progress and status in time, and provide you with after-sales and dispute resolution services, you agree that we can collect information related to the delivery progress from the logistics service provider.


(v) Complete the benefit settlement and reconciliation of your  company

请您了解并理解,百福得/东方福利网的服务系基于您所属企业提供的福利行为,故您所属企业可能会对百福得/东方福利网提出结算需求。为保证您能够正常在百福得/东方福利网享受企业福利, 您的所属企业可能会需要百福得/东方福利网向其提供您的姓名、电话、邮箱、生日、性别、国籍、账户金额、已使用金额、账户余额、兑换(交易)明细、物流单号、货物送货情况。

Please know and understand that the service of Dongfangfuli.com is based on the benefits provided by your company, so your company may require settlement with Dongfangfuli.com. In order to ensure that you can normally enjoy enterprise benefits in Dongfangfuli.com, your company may require Dongfangfuli.com to provide it with your name, telephone number, e-mail address, birthday, gender, nationality, account amount, used amount, account balance, exchange (transaction) details, express order number and goods delivery status.


In order to allow us to provide you with benefit exchange services, you agree that we can provide such information to your company upon its request.


(vi) Customer Service and Dispute Settlement

当您与我们联系或提出售中售后服务、争议纠纷处理申请时,为了保障您的账户及系统安全, 我们需要您提供必要的个人信息以核验您的会员身份。

When you contact us or ask  for the sales or after-sales service, dispute settlement, we need you to provide essential personal information to verify your membership   so that to ensure the security of your account and system.


To facilitate contact with you and help you solve problems as soon as possible or record the solutions and results of related problems, we may obtain your phone number, dial-in number, phone call status, or save your communication or call records with us and related contents (including account information, order information, other information you provide to prove relevant facts, contact information you leave). If you consult, complain or provide suggestions on specific orders, we will use your account information and order information.


For the reasonable needs of providing services and improving service quality, we may also use other information of you, including the information you provide when you contact customer service and the questionnaire replies you send to us when you participate in the questionnaire surveys.

您可在开启麦克风权限后使用麦克风实现 与客服联系,我们会收集您的 录音内容 以识别您的购物需求,或响应您的客服及争议处理等需求。请您知晓, 即使您已同意开启麦克风权限,我们也仅会在您主动点击客户端内麦克风图标或录制视频时通过麦克风获取语音信息。

You can use microphone to contact customer service after you enable microphone access. We will collect your voice recording content  to identify your shopping needs, or respond to your requirements for customer service and dispute settlement. Please understand that even if you have agreed to enable microphone access, we will only obtain voice information through the microphone when you click on the microphone icon in the client or record video.

(七) 为您提供其他附加服务

(vii) Provide Other Additional Services to You

为向您提供产品及 / 或服务,提升您的购物体验,我们会向您提供附加服务并按照服务内容收集您的个人信息。 如果您不提供这些信息,不会影响您浏览、搜索、购买等基本服务, 但您可能无法获得这些附加服务给您带来的用户体验。这些附加服务包括:

In order to provide you with personalized products and/or services and enhance your shopping experience, we will provide you with additional services and collect your personal information according to the service content. Your failure to provide such information will not affect your access to basic services such as browsing, searching and purchasing,  but you may not be able to obtain the user experience brought by these additional services, which include:

1 、基于相机 / 摄像头的附加服务:您可在开启相机 / 摄像头权限后使用该功能进行扫码用于绑卡、购物,拍摄照片或视频用于评价、分享或修改头像, 请您知晓,即使您已同意开启相机权限,我们也仅会在您主动点击客户端内相机图标或录制视频时通过相机获取照片或视频信息。

1. Additional services based on camera: You can use the function to scan the code for card binding, shopping, and take photos or videos for scoring, sharing or avatar changing after enabling the camera access. Please understand that even if you have agreed to enable the camera access, we will still only get photo or video information through the camera when you click the camera icon in the client or record videos.

2 、基于相册(图片库 / 视频库)的图片 / 视频访问及上传的附加服务:您可在开启相册权限后使用该功能上传您的照片 / 图片 / 视频,以实现更换头像、发表评论 / 分享、与客服沟通提供证明等功能 我们可能会通过您所上传的照片 / 图片来识别您需要购买的商品或服务,或使用包含您所上传照片或图片的评论信息。 为实现链接分享需求,我们可能会在设备本地读取您最近一次主动保存的图片链接地址。

2. Additional services of photo/video access and upload ing  based on album (photo library/video library): You can use the function to upload your photo/picture/video after enabling the album access, so as to realize the functions of changing the avatar, commenting/sharing, communicating with customer service and providing proof, etc. We may identify the goods or services you want to buy by the photos/pictures you upload, or use the comments containing the photos or pictures you upload. For the purpose of link sharing, we may read the link address of your last saved pictures locally.

3 、前述条款中的定位服务功能、 麦克风的语音技术相关附加服务。

3. Additional services relat ed  to the location-based service function and microphone voice technology in the above terms.


(viii) Miscellaneous

1 、若你提供的信息中含有其他用户的个人信息,在向百福得/东方福利网提供这些个人信息之前,您需确保您已经取得合法的授权。若其中涉及儿童个人信息的,您需在发布前取得对应儿童监护人的同意,前述情形下监护人有权通过本政策 联系我们 章节所列的反馈渠道 联系我们,要求更正或删除涉及儿童个人信息的内容。

1. If the information you provide contains the personal information of other users, you shall ensure that you have obtained legal authorization before providing the personal information to Dongfangfuli.com. If it involves the personal information of children, you shall obtain the consent of the corresponding child’s guardian before publishing it. Under the above circumstances, the guardian has the right to contact us through the feedback channels listed in the “Contact Us” section of the Policy to request correction or deletion of the content involving children’s personal information.

2 、征得授权同意的例外

2. Exceptions to Authorization and Consents


You fully understand and agree that your authorized consent is not required for us to collect and use your personal information under the following circumstances, and we may not respond to your request for information modification, deletion, cancellation, withdrawal of consent or demand:

1 )与国家安全、国防安全有关的;

(1) When it involves national security and national defense security;

2 )与公共安全、公共卫生、重大公共利益有关的;

(2) When it involves public security, public health and major public interests;

3 )与犯罪侦查、起诉、审判和判决执行等司法或行政执法有关的;

(3) When it involves judicial or administrative law enforcement such as criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgments;

4 )出于维护您或其他个人的生命、财产等重大合法权益但又难以得到本人同意的;

(4) When it is to protect the life, property or other major legal rights of you or other individuals in the situation where it is difficult to obtain your consent;

5 )您自行向社会公众公开的个人信息;

(5) When it is disclosed to the public by yourself;

6 )从合法公开披露的信息中收集的个人信息,如合法的新闻报道、政府信息公开等渠道;

(6) When it is sourced from legally and publicly disclosed information, such as legal news reports or information disclosed by the government;

7 )根据与您签订和履行相关协议或其他书面文件所必需的;

(7) When it is required by relevant agreements or other written documents signed or performed by you;

8 )用于维护所提供的产品与 / 或服务的安全稳定运行所必需的,例如发现、处置产品与 / 或服务的故障等;

(8) When it is necessary for maintaining the safe and stable operation of the products and/or services provided, such as identifying and resolving failures of products and/or services;

9 )为合法的新闻报道所必需的;

(9) When it is necessary for delivering legitimate news reports;

10 )学术研究机构基于公共利益开展统计或学术研究所必要,且对外提供学术研究或描述的结果时,对结果中所包含的个人信息进行去标识化处理的;

(10) When it is necessary for academic research institutions to collect statistics or conduct academic research in the public interest, provided that any personal information contained in the results of such academic research or descriptions thereof has been de-identified; and

11 )法律法规规定的其他情形。

(11) Other circumstances as stipulated by laws and regulations.

请知悉,根据适用的法律,若我们 对个人信息采取技术措施和其他必要措施进行处理,使得数据接收方无法重新识别特定个人且不能复原 则此类处理后数据的使用无需另行向您通知并征得您的同意

Please be noted that, in accordance with applicable laws, if we take technical measures and other necessary measures to process personal information in such a way that the recipient cannot re-identify a particular individual and cannot recover it, the use of such processed data does not need to send separate notification to you or obtain your consent .

3 、如我们停止运营百福得/东方福利网产品或服务,我们将及时停止继续收集您个人信息的活动,将停止运营的通知以逐一送达或公告的形式通知您,并对我们所持有的与已关停业务相关的个人信息进行删除或匿名化处理。涉及儿童个人信息的,我们会并将停止运营的通知及时告知儿童监护人。

3. If we stop the operation of Dongfangfuli.com products or services, we will promptly stop collecting your personal information, and will notify you in the form of one-by-one delivery or announcement of such discontinued operation. We will also delete or anonymize the personal information we hold in relation to the closed business. If it involves children’s personal information, we will inform the children’s guardian of operation suspension.


二、 Cookies

II. Cookies

(一) Cookies 的使用

( i ) Use of Cookies

为确保网站正常运转、使您获得更轻松的访问体验,我们会在您的计算机或移动设备上存储 Cookie Flash Cookie 或浏览器(或关联应用程序)提供的其他通常包含标识符、站点名称以及一些号码和字符的本地存储(统称 “Cookies” )。借助于  Cookies ,网站能够存储您的 登录信息、购物车内的商品 等数据。

To ensure the normal operation of the website and allow you to have easy access to the website, we will store cookies, flash cookies or other local storages provided by the browser (or associated applications) which usually contain identifier, site name and some numbers and characters (collectively referred to as “cookies”) on your computer or mobile device. With the help of cookies, the website can store data including your login information, goods in the shopping cart , etc.

如果您的浏览器或浏览器附加服务允许,您可修改对 Cookies 的接受程度或拒绝我们的 Cookies 有关详情,请参见  AboutCookies.org 。但如果您这么做,在某些情况下可能会影响您安全访问我们的网站,且可能需要在每一次访问我们的网站时更改用户设置。

If permitted by your browser or the additional service of the browser, you may alter the acceptance degree of the Cookies or reject the Cookies.  See AboutCookies.org for details. However, if you do so, it may in some cases affect your secure access to our website and you may need to change the user settings every time you visit our website.

(二) SDK 的使用

(ii) Use of SDK

为保障我们客户端的稳定运行、功能实现,使您能够享受和使用更多的服务及功能,我们的应用中会嵌入授权合作伙伴的软件工具开发包 SDK 或其他类似的应用程序,目前百福得/东方福利网移动客户端、 App 接入的第三方 SDK 包含:

In order to ensure the stable operation and function of our client, and enable you to enjoy and use more services and functions, our application will embed the authorized partners’ software development kit (SDK) or other similar applications. Currently, the third-party SDKs of Dongfangfuli.com and Apps include:


(i)SDK name: JPush


Purpose of use:One-click login and news feed

收集数据类型:设备信息(设备序列号、IMEI/MAC/Android ID/SSID/BSSID/IDFA/OpenUDID/GUID/IP地址/SIM 卡 IMSI 信息/HarmonyOS如OAID、AAID、ODID等)

Collection data type: Device information、APP application installation list



Website link: https://www.jiguang.cn/license/privacy


Acquisition terminal:Android/Ios/HarmonyOs


(ii)SDK name: Xiaomi push


Purpose of use: Used to push messages to Xiaomi devices


Collection data type: Device information、APP application installation list


Website link:https://dev.mi.com/console/doc/detail?pId=1822


Acquisition terminal: Android/HarmonyOs


(iii)SDK name: Huawei push, Huawei intermodal application


Purpose of use: Used to push messages to Huawei devices


Collection data type: Device information、APP application installation list


Website link: https://consumer.huawei.com/cn/privacy/privacy-policy/


Acquisition terminal: Android/HarmonyOs


(iv)SDK name:OPPO push


Purpose of use: Used to push messages to OPPO devices、APP application installation list


Collection data type: Device information


Website link: https://www.oppo.com/cn/service/help/640?id=640&name=服务政策&hdscreen=1


Acquisition terminal: Android/IOS/HarmonyOs


(v)SDK name:Tencent x5 browser


Purpose of use: Provide users with a better web page browsing experience, using the same browser as WeChat


Collection data type: Device information


Website link: https://www.tencent.com/zh-cnzh-CN/statement.html?/law/privacy.htm


Acquisition terminal: Android/IOS/HarmonyOs


(vi)SDK name:Gaode Map


Purpose of use: Obtain the user's positioning information, use it for module positioning such as malls, and provide more accurate services to users in different regions


Collection data type: Device information、APP application installation list


Website link: https://lbs.amap.com/pages/privacy/


Acquisition terminal: Android/IOS/HarmonyOs


(vii)SDK name:Tencent bugly


Purpose of use:System bug monitoring

收集数据类型:设备信息(设备序列号、IMEI/MAC/Android ID/SSID/BSSID/IDFA/OpenUDID/GUID/IP地址/SIM 卡 IMSI 信息/HarmonyOS如OAID、AAID、ODID等)

Collection data type: Device information


Website link:http://bugly.qq.com/v2/contract


Acquisition terminal: Android/IOS/HarmonyOs


(viii)SDK name:Alibaba Cloud Hot Update


Purpose of use:Proactively fix bugs when user software has bugs


Collection data type: Device information


Website link:https://terms.aliyun.com/legal-agreement/terms/suit_bu1_ali_cloud/suit_bu1_ali_cloud202112071754_83380.html


Acquisition terminal: Android/HarmonyOs


(ix)SDK name:Himalaya player


Purpose of use: Provide Himalayan audio playback function


Collection data type: Device information


Website link: https://www.ximalaya.com/help/privacy/


Acquisition terminal: Android/IOS/HarmonyOs


(x)SDK name:GrowingIO


Purpose of use:Data analysis  收集数据类型:设备信息(设备序列号、IMEI/MAC/Android ID/IDFA/OpenUDID/GUID/IP地址/SIM 卡 IMSI 信息/HarmonyOS如OAID、AAID、ODID等)

Collection data type: Device information


Website link:https://accounts.growingio.com/user-privacy


Acquisition terminal:Android/IOS/HarmonyOs

11. SDK名称:友盟

(xi)SDK name:UMeng


Purpose of use:Used for statistics, analysis of data, to provide basic anti-cheating ability, equipment application performance monitoring service collection

收集数据类型:设备信息(设备序列号、IMEI/MAC/Android ID/IDFA/OpenUDID/GUID/IP地址/SIM 卡 IMSI 信息/HarmonyOS如OAID、AAID、ODID等)

Collection data type:Device information (Device serial number, IMEI/MAC/Android ID/IDFA/OpenUDID/GUID/IP address /SIM card IMSI information)



Website link:https://www.umeng.com/page/policy


Acquisition terminal:Android/IOS/HarmonyOs

12. SDK名称:中国电信免密登录SDK

(xii)SDK name:CDMA


Purpose of use:Use mobile phone to quickly log in and simplify login operations


Collection data type:Network type, network address, Carrier type, Local number Mobile phone device type, mobile phone operating system, and hardware manufacturer



Website link:https://e.189.cn/sdk/agreement/content.do?type=main&appKey=E_189&hidetop=true&returnUrl=


Acquisition terminal:Android/IOS/HarmonyOs

13. SDK名称:钉钉分享SDK

(xiii)SDK name:DingTalk Share SDK


Purpose of use:Provide users with the ability to share content to third-party platforms according to their choice


Collection data type:Device identifier, device identifier, device model, and other information



Website link:https://terms.alicdn.com/legal-agreement/terms/suit_bu1_dingtalk/suit_bu1_dingtalk202010070946_49604.html?from=zebra:offline


Acquisition terminal:Android/IOS/HarmonyOs

14. SDK名称:移动认证SDK



Purpose of use:Use mobile phone to quickly log in and simplify login operations


Collection data type:Network type, network address, Carrier type, Local number Mobile phone device type, mobile phone operating system, and hardware manufacturer



Website link:https://wap.cmpassport.com/resources/html/contract.html


Acquisition terminal:Android/IOS/HarmonyOs

15. SDK名称:支付宝SDK

(XV)SDK name:Alipay SDK


Purpose of use:Provide quick Alipay payment


Collection data type:Network, Device identifier, device identifier, device model, and other information



Website link:https://render.alipay.com/p/yuyan/180020010001196791/preview.html?agreementId=AG00000132


Acquisition terminal:Android/IOS/HarmonyOs

我们接入的第三方 SDK 主要服务于您以及其他的用户的需求,因此在满足新的服务需求及业务功能变更时,我们可能会调整我们接入的第三方 SDK 。我们会及时公开说明接入第三方 SDK 的最新情况。 SDK 相应的第三方公司隐私权政策,请您前往对应官网查看。我们会对授权合作伙伴获取有关信息的应用程序接口( API )、 SDK 进行严格的安全检测,并与授权合作伙伴约定严格的数据保护措施,令其按照本政策以及其他任何相关的保密和安全措施来处理个人信息。

The third-party SDKs we access mainly serve the needs of you and other users. Therefore, we may adjust the third-party SDKs we access to meet new service requirements and business function changes. We will announce the latest third-party SDK access in a timely manner. Please visit the corresponding official websites to check the privacy policy of the third-party companies of corresponding SDKs. We will perform strict security testing on the APIs and SDKs of the authorized partners obtaining relevant information, and agree on strict data protection measures with the authorized partners, so that they will handle personal information in accordance with the policy and any other relevant confidentiality and security measures.


III. Sharing, Transfer and Public Disclosure of Information


(i) Sharing


We will not share your personal information with any companies, organizations or individuals beyond the service provider of Dongfangfuli.com, except for the following circumstances:

1 、在法定情形下的共享:我们可能会根据法律法规规定、诉讼、争议解决需要,或按行政、司法机关依法提出的要求,对外共享您的个人信息;

1. Sharing under legal circumstances: We may share your personal information as required by laws and regulations, litigation, dispute resolution, or according to the requirements of administrative and judicial organs;

2 、在获取明确同意的情况下共享:获得您的明确同意后,我们会与其他方共享您的个人信息;

2. Sharing with express consent: With your express consent obtained, we will share your personal information with other parties;

3 、在您主动选择情况下共享:您通过百福得/东方福利网购买商品或服务,我们会根据您的选择,将您的订单信息中与交易有关的必要信息共享给相关商品或服务的提供者,以实现您的交易及售后服务需求;

3. Sharing by your voluntary choice: When you purchase goods or services through Dongfangfuli.com, we will share the necessary information related to the transaction in the orders to the suppliers of related goods or services according to your choice to meet your transaction and after-sales service needs;

4 、与关联公司间共享: 为便于我们基于百福得/东方福利网账户向您提供产品或服务、识别会员账户异常、保护百福得/东方福利网关联公司或其他用户或公众的人身财产安全免遭侵害,您的个人信息可能会与我们的关联公司与 / 或其指定的服务提供商共享。 我们只会共享必要的个人信息,且受本隐私政策中所声明目的的约束。如果我们共享您的个人敏感信息或关联公司改变个人信息的使用及处理目的,将再次征求您的授权同意;

4. Sharing with affiliated companies: In order to facilitate our provision of products or services to you based on the Dongfangfuli.com account, identify the abnormal membership account, protect the personal property of the affiliated companies or other users of Dongfangfuli.com or the public from infringement, your personal information may be shared with our affiliated companies and/or their designated service providers.  We will only share the necessary personal information and are subject to the purposes stated in the Privacy Policy. If we share your sensitive personal information or the affiliated companies changes the purpose of using and processing personal information, we will ask for your authorization and consent again;

5 、与授权合作伙伴共享: 我们可能委托授权合作伙伴为您提供某些服务或代表我们履行职能。 我们仅会出于本隐私权政策声明的合法、正当、必要、特定、明确的目的共享您的信息,授权合作伙伴只能接触到其履行职责所需信息,且不得将此信息用于其他任何目的。对于涉及儿童个人信息的,我们不允许合作伙伴进行转委托。

5. Sharing with authorized partners: We may entrust authorized partners to provide you with certain services or perform functions on behalf of us.  We will only share your information for the legitimate, rightful, necessary, specific and clear purposes as stated in the Privacy Policy. The authorized partner can only access the information required by the performance of its duties and shall not use it for any other purpose. We do not allow the partners to perform sub-entrustment when the personal information of children is involved.


At present, our authorized partners mainly include suppliers, service providers and other partners. We send information to suppliers, service providers and other partners that support our business. Such supports include providing technical infrastructure services as entrusted by us, analyzing the use of our services, measuring the effectiveness of advertising and services, providing customer service, facilitating payment or conducting academic research and investigation, etc.


(ii) Transfer


We will not transfer your personal information to any companies, organizations or individuals, except for the following circumstances:

1 、在获取明确同意的情况下转让:获得您的明确同意后,我们会向其他方转让您的个人信息;

1. Transfer with express consent: With your express consent, we will transfer your personal information to other parties;

2 、在百福得/东方福利网服务提供者发生合并、收购或破产清算情形,或其他涉及合并、收购或破产清算情形时,如涉及到个人信息转让,我们会要求新的持有您个人信息的公司、组织继续受本政策的约束,否则我们将要求该公司、组织和个人重新向您征求授权同意。

2. When it involves mergers, acquisitions or bankruptcy liquidation of service provider of Dongfangfuli.com, or other mergers, acquisitions or bankruptcy or liquidation, and involves transfer of personal information, we will require the new company or organization which holds your personal information to continue being bound by this policy, or we will require such company, organization or individual to obtain your authorization and consent anew.


(iii) Public Disclosure


We will only disclose your personal information to the public under the following circumstances:

1 、获得您明确同意或基于您的主动选择,我们可能会公开披露您的个人信息;

1. We will not disclose your personal information unless your express consent is obtained, or required by you;

2 如果我们确定您出现违反法律法规或严重违反百福得/东方福利网相关协议及规则的情况,或为保护百福得/东方福利网用户或公众的人身财产安全免遭侵害,我们可能依据法律法规或在征得您同意的情况下披露关于您的个人信息 ,包括相关违规行为以及百福得/东方福利网已对您采取的措施。

2. If we determine that you have violated laws and regulations or seriously violated the relevant agreements and rules of Dongfangfuli.com, or for the purpose of protecting the personal and property safety of Dongfangfuli.com users or the public from infringement, we may disclose your personal information in accordance with laws and regulations or with your consent , including the relevant violations and the measures taken by Dongfangfuli.com against you.


(iv) Exceptions to Prior Authorization and Consent When Sharing, Transferring or Disclosing Personal Information


In the following cases, your prior authorization and consent are not required to share, transfer or disclose your personal information under any of the following circumstances:

1 、与国家安全、国防安全有关的;

1. When it involves national security and national defense security;

2 、与公共安全、公共卫生、重大公共利益有关的;

2. When it involves public security, public health and major public interests;

3 、与犯罪侦查、起诉、审判和判决执行等司法或行政执法有关的;

3. When it involves judicial or administrative law enforcement such as criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgments;

4 、出于维护您或其他个人的生命、财产等重大合法权益但又难以得到本人同意的;

4. When it is collected to protect the life, property or other major legal rights of you or other individuals in the situation where it is difficult to obtain your consent;

5 、您自行向社会公众公开的个人信息;

5. When it is disclosed to the public by yourself; and

6 、从合法公开披露的信息中收集的个人信息,如合法的新闻报道、政府信息公开等渠道。

6. Personal information sourced from legally and publicly disclosed information, such as legitimate news reports or information disclosed by the government.

请知悉,根据适用的法律,若我们 对个人信息采取技术措施和其他必要措施进行处理,使得数据接收方无法重新识别特定个人且不能复原,则此类处理后数据的共享、转让、公开披露无需另行向您通知并征得您的同意

Please understand that according to applicable laws, if we take technical measures and other necessary measures to process the personal information, so that the data receiver cannot re-identify a specific individual nor recover the data, the sharing, transfer and public disclosure of such processed data do not need to notify you and obtain your consent.



IV. Personal Information Protection Measures

(一)我们只会因本政策所述目的在所需的期限内保留您的个人信息,除非法律有强制的存留要求, 例如《中华人民共和国电子商务法》要求商品和服务信息、交易信息保存时间自交易完成之日起不少于三年。 而我们判断前述期限的标准包括:

(i) We will only keep your personal information for the purpose stated in the Policy for the required period of time, unless otherwise required by laws for mandatory retention. For example, the E-Commerce Law of the People's Republic of China  requires that the commodity and service information and transaction information shall be saved for no less than three years from the date of completion of the transaction. Our criteria for judging the aforesaid period include:

1 、完成与您相关的交易目的、维护相应交易及业务记录、应对您可能的查询或投诉;

1. To achieve the purpose related to your transaction, maintain the corresponding transaction and business records, and respond to your possible inquiries or complaints;

2 、保证我们为您提供服务的安全和质量;

2. To ensure the safety and quality of our services provided to you;

3 、您是否同意更长的留存期间;

3. Whether you agree to a longer retention period;

4 、是否存在保留期限的其他特别约定。

4. Whether there are other special agreements on the retention period.


After your personal information is retained beyond the required period, we will delete your personal information or anonymize it according to the requirements of applicable laws.

(二)互联网 并非绝对安全的环境,使用百福得/东方福利网服务时, 我们强烈建议您不要使用非百福得/东方福利网推荐的通信方式发送您的信息。

(ii) The Internet is not an absolutely secure environment. When using the services of Dongfangfuli.com, we strongly suggest that you do not send your information via the communication methods not recommended by Dongfangfuli.com.

在使用百福得/东方福利网服务进行网上交易时,您不可避免地要向交易对方或潜在的交易对方披露自己的个人信息,如 联络方式 联系地址 。请您妥善保护自己的个人信息,仅在必要的情形下向他人提供。请使用复杂密码,协助我们保证您的账户安全。如您发现自己的个人信息尤其是您的账户或密码发生泄露,请您立即联络百福得/东方福利网客服,以便我们根据您的申请采取相应措施。

When you use the D ongfangfuli.com services for online transactions, you will inevitably disclose to the other party of transaction or the potential other parties of transaction your personal information including contact information  or contact address . Please keep your personal information properly and provide only when necessary. Please use complex password to help us ensure the security of your account. If you find that your personal information is divulged, especially your account and password, please contact the customer service of Dongfangfuli.com immediately so that we can take corresponding measures.


Please note that the information you share voluntarily or even publicly when using our services may involve personal information of yourself or others or even sensitive personal information. You need to cautiously consider whether to share or publicly disclose relevant information when using our services.


(iii) In case of an unfortunate personal information security incident, we will inform you of relevant matters in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations. We may inform you of relevant information about the events by means of e-mail, correspondence, phone call, or push notifications. When it is difficult to notify each individual concerned one by one, we will make an announcement in a reasonable and effective way.


At the same time, we will take the initiative to report the disposal of personal information security incidents as required by regulatory authorities.



V. Management of Personal Information


You can access and manage your information in the following ways:


(i) Inquire, Correct, Add and Delete Your Information


You have the right to inquire, correct or add your information. You can operate by yourself in the following ways:

1 、账户信息:如果您希望访问或编辑您的账户中的个人基本信息(如账户密码、性别等),您可以登录客户端通过 我的账户 个人信息 / 修改密码 执行此类操作。

1. Account information: If you hope to access or edit your basic personal information in your account (such as your password or gender), you may conduct such operations by logging in to the client via “My Account - Personal Information/Change Password”.

2 、订单信息: PC 端您可以通过访问 我的订单 页面查看您的所有订单状态;移动端您可以通过 个人中心 - (各产品)订单 查看您的所有订单状态。

2. Order information: You can view the status of all your orders by checking the “My Orders” Page on the PC; on the mobile phone, you can view the status of all your orders through “Personal Center – Orders (of Products)”.


(ii) Cancel Your Account


Please understand and agree that when you leave your company, your company may cancel your account for you.



VI. Modification to Our Privacy Policy and Notification


To provide you with better service and with the business development of Dongfangfuli.com, the Privacy Policy will be updated accordingly. However, without your express consent, we will not reduce the rights that you enjoy according to the Privacy Policy. We will update on the website and mobile client of Dongfangfuli.com, and inform you of the update of relevant contents through website announcement or other appropriate ways before it takes effect. Please also visit Dongfangfuli.com to get the latest Privacy Policy.

本隐私权政策的旧版本在 百福得/东方福利网专门页面 存档,供您查阅。

The old versions of the Privacy Policy are archived on the special page of Dongfangfuli.com for your reference.



VII. Contact Us






In case of any questions, opinions or suggestions on the contents of the Policy, you can contact us through the customer service hotline or online customer service of Dongfangfuli.com, and we will reply to your request within 15 days.

如果您对我们的回复不满意,特别是您认为我们的个人信息处理行为损害了您的合法权益, 您同意并接受 通过向上海仲裁委员会在上海提起仲裁的方式来寻求解决方案。

If you are not satisfied with our reply, especially if you think that our processing of personal information has damaged your legitimate rights and interests, you agree and accept to seek a solution by initiating arbitration in Shanghai with Shanghai Arbitration Commission.